Data Analysis and Interpretation
(Held on 28-4-2013)
Directions: Study the following graph carefully to answer the questions that follow:
Cost of three different fruits (in rupees per kg. in five different cities)

1. In which city is the difference between the cost of one kg of apple and cost of one kg of guava second lowest?
(1) Jalandhar (2) Delhi
(3) Chandigarh (4) Hoshiarpur
(5) Ropar
(3) Chandigarh (4) Hoshiarpur
(5) Ropar
2. Cost of one kg of guava in Jalandhar is approximately what percent of the cost of two kgs of grapes in Chandigarh?
(1) 66 (2) 24
(3) 28 (4) 34
(5) 58
(3) 28 (4) 34
(5) 58
3. What total amount will Ram pay to the shopkeeper for purchasing 3 kgs of apples and 2 kgs of guavas in Delhi?
(1) Rs. 530/- (2) Rs. 450/-
(3) Rs. 570/- (4) Rs. 620/-
(5) Rs. 490/-
(3) Rs. 570/- (4) Rs. 620/-
(5) Rs. 490/-
4. Ravinder had to purchase 45 kgs of graphs from Hoshiarpur. Shopkeeper gave him discount of 4% per kg. What amount did he pay to the shopkeeper after the discount?
(1) Rs. 8208/- (2) Rs. 8104/-
(3) Rs. 8340/- (4) Rs. 8550/-
(5) Rs. 8410/-
(3) Rs. 8340/- (4) Rs. 8550/-
(5) Rs. 8410/-
5. What is the respective ratio between the cost of one kg of apples from Ropar and the cost of one kg of grapes from Chandigarh?
(1) 3 : 2 (2) 2 : 3
(3) 22 : 32 (4) 42 : 92
(5) 92 : 42
(3) 22 : 32 (4) 42 : 92
(5) 92 : 42
Directions: Study the radar graph carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Number of students (in thousands) in two different universities in six different years
Number of Students

6. What was the difference between the number of students in university-1 in the year 2010 and the number of students in university-2 in the year 2012?
(1) Zero (2) 5,000
(3) 15,000 (4) 1,0000
(5) 1,000
(3) 15,000 (4) 1,0000
(5) 1,000
7. What is the sum of number of students in university-1 in the year 2007 and the number of students in university-2 in the year 2011 together?
(1) 50,000 (2) 55000
(3) 45000 (4) 57000
(5) 40000
(3) 45000 (4) 57000
(5) 40000
8. If 25% of the students in university-2 in the year 2010 were females, what was the number of male students in the university-2 in the same year?
(1) 11250 (2) 12350
(3) 12500 (4) 11500
(5) 11750
(3) 12500 (4) 11500
(5) 11750
9. What was the percent increase in the number of students in University-1 in the year 2011 as compared to the previous year?
(1) 135 (2) 15
(3) 115 (4) 25
(5) 35
(3) 115 (4) 25
(5) 35
10. In which year was the difference between the number of students in university-1 and the number of students in univeisity-2 highest?
(1) 2008 (2) 2009
(3) 2010 (4) 2011
(5) 2012
(3) 2010 (4) 2011
(5) 2012
Directions: Study the graph carefully to answer the questions that follow
Number of players participating in three different games in five different schools

11. What is the total number of players participating in hockey from all the five schools together?
(1) 324 (2) 288
(3) 342 (4) 284
(5) 248
(3) 342 (4) 284
(5) 248
12. What is the respective ratio between number of players participating in basketball from school-1 and the number of players participating in Kho-Kho from school-3?
(1) 5 : 7 (2) 7 : 9 (3) 7 : 8 (4) 9 : 7
(5) 5 : 8
(5) 5 : 8
13. In which school is the number of players participating in hockey and basketball together second highest?
(1) School – 1 (2) School – 2
(3) School – 3 (4) School – 4
(5) School – 5
(3) School – 3 (4) School – 4
(5) School – 5
14. Number of players participating in Kho-Kho from school-4 is what percent of number of players participating in hockey from school-2?
(1) 42 (2) 48 (3) 36 (4) 40
(5) 60
(5) 60
15. 25% of the number of the players participating in hockey from School-5 are females. What is the number of the hockey players who are males in school-5?
(1) 15 (2) 18 (3) 30 (4) 21
(5) 27
(5) 27
Directions: Study the following bar-graph carefully and answer the following questions.
Earnings (in rupees) of the three different persons on four different days

16. What is Gita’s average earnings over all the days together?
(1) Rs. 285 (2) Rs. 290
(3) Rs. 320 (4) Rs. 310
(5) Rs. 315
(3) Rs. 320 (4) Rs. 310
(5) Rs. 315
17. What is the total amount earned by Rahul and Naveen together on Tuesday and Thursday together?
(1) Rs. 1040/- (2) Rs. 1020/-
(3) Rs. 980/- (4) Rs. 940/-
(5) Rs. 860/-
(3) Rs. 980/- (4) Rs. 940/-
(5) Rs. 860/-
18. Gita donated her earnings of Wednesday to Naveen. What was Naveen’s total earnings on Wednesday after Gita’s donation?
(1) Rs. 520/- (2) Rs. 550/-
(3) Rs. 540/- (4) Rs. 560/-
(5) Rs. 620/-
(3) Rs. 540/- (4) Rs. 560/-
(5) Rs. 620/-
19. What is the difference between Rahul’s earnings on Monday and Gita’s earnings on Tuesday?
(1) Rs. 40/- (2) Rs. 20/-
(3) Rs. 50/- (4) Rs. 30/-
(5) Rs. 10/-
(3) Rs. 50/- (4) Rs. 30/-
(5) Rs. 10/-
20. What is the respective ratio between Naveen’s earnings on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday?
(1) 7 : 3 : 5 (2) 8 : 6 : 5
(3) 8 : 7 : 4 (4) 9: 5 : 4
(5) 9 : 3 : 4
(3) 8 : 7 : 4 (4) 9: 5 : 4
(5) 9 : 3 : 4
Directions: Study the following pie-chart and answer the following questions.
Percentage-wise distribution of employees in six different professions
Total number of employees = 26800

21. What is the difference between the total number of employees in teaching and medical profession together and number of employees in management profession?
(1) 6770 (2) 7700
(3) 6700 (4) 7770
(5) 7670
(3) 6700 (4) 7770
(5) 7670
22. In management profession three-fourth of the number of employees are female. What is the number of male employees in management profession?
(1) 1239 (2) 1143
(3) 1156 (4) 1289
(5) 1139
(3) 1156 (4) 1289
(5) 1139
23. 25% of employees from film production profession went on a strike. What is the number of employees from film production who have not participated in the strike?
(1) 3271 (2) 3819
(3) 3948 (4) 1273
(5) 1246
(3) 3948 (4) 1273
(5) 1246
24. What is the total number of employees in engineering profession and industries together?
(1) 5698 (2) 5884
(3) 5687 (4) 5896
(5) 5487
(3) 5687 (4) 5896
(5) 5487
25. In teaching profession if three-fifth of the teachers are not permanent, what is the number of permanent, what is the number of permanent teacher in the teaching professions?
(1) 1608 (2) 1640
(3) 1764 (4) 1704
(5) 1686
(3) 1764 (4) 1704
(5) 1686
Direction: Study the table carefully to answer the questions that follow:
Monthly Bill (in rupees) of landline phone, electricity, laundry and mobile phone paid by three different people in five different months

26. What is the total of bill paid by Dev in the month of June for all the four commodities?
(1) Rs. 608 (2) Rs. 763
(3) Rs. 731 (4) Rs. 683
(5) Rs. 674
(3) Rs. 731 (4) Rs. 683
(5) Rs. 674
27. What is the average electricity bill paid by Manu over all the five months together?
(1) Rs. 183 (2) Rs. 149
(3) Rs. 159 (4) Rs. 178
(5) Rs. 164
(3) Rs. 159 (4) Rs. 178
(5) Rs. 164
28. What is the difference between the mobile phone bill paid by Ravi in the month of May and the laundry bill paid by Dev in the month of March?
(1) Rs. 180 (2) Rs. 176
(3) Rs. 190 (4) Rs. 167
(5) Rs. 196
(3) Rs. 190 (4) Rs. 167
(5) Rs. 196
29. In which months respectively did Manu pay the second highest mobile phone bill and the lowest electricity bill?
(1) April and June (2) April and May
(3) March and June (4) March and May
(5) July and May
(3) March and June (4) March and May
(5) July and May
30. What is the respective ratio between the electricity bill paid by Manu in the month of April and the mobile phone bill paid by Ravi in the month of June?
(1) 27 : 49 (2) 27 : 65
(3) 34 : 49 (4) 135 : 184
(5) 13 : 24
(3) 34 : 49 (4) 135 : 184
(5) 13 : 24
Directions: Study the following table carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Chart showing schedule of train from Dadar to Bhuj and number of passengers boarding from each station

31. What is the distance travelled by the train from Surat to Nadiad Jn. ?
(1) 176 km (2) 188 km
(3) 183 km (4) 193 km
(5) 159 km
(3) 183 km (4) 193 km
(5) 159 km
32. How much time does the train take to reach Ahmedabad after departing from Anand Jn. (including the halt time)?
(1) 1 hr. 59 min. (2) 1 hr. 17 min.
(3) 1 hr. 47 min. (4) 1 hr. 45 min.
(5) 1 hr. 15 min.
(3) 1 hr. 47 min. (4) 1 hr. 45 min.
(5) 1 hr. 15 min.
33. What is the respective ratio between the number of passengers boarding from Vasai Road and from Ahmadabad in the train?
(1) 21 : 17 (2) 13 : 9
(3) 21 : 19 (4) 15 : 13
(5) 13 : 15
(3) 21 : 19 (4) 15 : 13
(5) 13 : 15
34. If halt time (stopping time) of the train Vadodara is decreased by 2 minutes and increased by 23 minutes at Ahmedabad. At what time will the train reach Bhuj?
(1) 6.10 am (2) 6.01 pm
(3) 6.05 pm (4) 6.50 pm
(5) 6.07 pm
(3) 6.05 pm (4) 6.50 pm
(5) 6.07 pm
35. Distance between which two station is second lowest?
(1) Nadiad Jn. To Ahmedabad
(2) Anand Jn. To Nadiad Jn.
(3) Dadar to Vasai Road
(4) Anand Jn. To Vadodara
(5) Vasai Road to Surat
(2) Anand Jn. To Nadiad Jn.
(3) Dadar to Vasai Road
(4) Anand Jn. To Vadodara
(5) Vasai Road to Surat
Directions: Study the table carefully to answer the question that follow.
Maximum and minimum temperature (in degree Celsius) recorded on 1st day of each month of five different cities

36. What is the difference between the maximum temperature of Ontario on 1st November and the minimum temperature of Bhuj on 1st January?
(1) 3°C (2) 18°C
(3) 15°C (4) 9°C
(5) 11°C
(3) 15°C (4) 9°C
(5) 11°C
37. In which month respectively the maximum temperature of Kabul is second highest and minimum temperature of Sydney is highest?
(1) 1st October and 1st January
(2) 1st October and 1st November
(3) 1st December and 1st January
(4) 1st September and 1st January
(5) 1st December and 1st September
(2) 1st October and 1st November
(3) 1st December and 1st January
(4) 1st September and 1st January
(5) 1st December and 1st September
38. In which month (on 1st day) is the difference between maximum temperature and minimum temperature of Bhuj second highest?
(1) 1st September
(2) 1st October
(3) 1st November
(4) 1st December
(5) 1st January
(2) 1st October
(3) 1st November
(4) 1st December
(5) 1st January
39. What is the average maximum temperature of Beijing over all the months together?
(1) 8.4°C
(2) 9.6°C
(3) 7.6°C
(4) 9.2°C
(5) 8.6°C
(2) 9.6°C
(3) 7.6°C
(4) 9.2°C
(5) 8.6°C
40. What is the respective ratio between the minimum temperature of Beijing on 1st September and the maximum temperature of Ontario on 1st October?
(1) 3 : 4 (2) 3 : 5
(3) 4 : 5 (4) 1 : 5
(5) 1 : 4
(3) 4 : 5 (4) 1 : 5
(5) 1 : 4
Directions: Study pie-chart and table carefully to answer the question that follow:
Pie-chart showing percentage-wise distribution of cars in four different states
Total cars = 700
Distribution of Cars

41. What is the difference between the number of diesel engine cars in state-2 and the number of petrol engine cars in state-4?
(1) 159 (2) 21
(3) 28 (4) 34
(5) 161
(3) 28 (4) 34
(5) 161
42. Number of petrol engine cars in state-3 is what percent more than the number of diesel engine cars in state-1?
(1) 100
(2) 200
(3) 300
(4) 125
(5) 225
(2) 200
(3) 300
(4) 125
(5) 225
43. If 25% of diesel engine cars in state-3 are AC and remaining cars are non-AC, what is the number of diesel engine cars in state-3 which are non-AC?
(1) 75
(2) 45
(3) 95
(4) 105
(5) 35
(2) 45
(3) 95
(4) 105
(5) 35
44. What is the difference between the total number of cars in state-3 and the number of petrol engine cars in state-2?
(1) 96 (2) 106
(3) 112
(4) 102
(5) 98
(3) 112
(4) 102
(5) 98
45. What is the average number of petrol engine cars in all the states together?
(1) 86.75 (2) 89.25
(3) 89.75 (4) 86.25
(5) 88.75
(3) 89.75 (4) 86.25
(5) 88.75
46. A bag contains 7 blue balls and 5 yellow balls. If two balls are selected at random, what is the probability that none is yellow?
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(3) (4)
47. A die is thrown twice. What is the probability of getting a sum of 7 from both the throws?
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(3) (4)
Directions: Study the information carefully to answer these questions.
In a team there are 240 members (males and females). Two-third of them are males. Fifteen percent of males are graduates. Remaining males are non-graduates. Three-fourth of the females are graduates. Remaining females are non-graduates.
48. What is the difference between the number of females who are non-graduates and the number of males who are graduates?
(1) 2
(2) 24
(3) 4
(4) 116
(5) 36
(2) 24
(3) 4
(4) 116
(5) 36
49. What is the sum of number of females who are graduates and the number of males who are non-graduates?
(1) 184
(2) 96
(3) 156
(4) 84
(5) 196
(2) 96
(3) 156
(4) 84
(5) 196
50. What is the ratio between the total number of males and the number of females who are non-graduates?
(1) 6 : 1
(2) 8 : 1
(3) 8 : 3
(4) 5 : 2
(5) 7 : 2
(2) 8 : 1
(3) 8 : 3
(4) 5 : 2
(5) 7 : 2
1. (2) 2. (4) 3. (3) 4. (1) 5. (3) 6. (1) 7. (5) 8. (1) 9. (4) 10. (5)
11. (2) 12. (3) 13. (2) 14. (4) 15. (5) 16. (2) 17. (4) 18. (3) 19. (1) 20. (5)
21. (3) 22. (5) 23. (2) 24. (4) 25. (1) 26. (3) 27. (3) 28. (1) 29. (4) 30. (1)
31. (3) 32. (5) 33. (1) 34. (2) 35. (4) 36. (5) 37. (2) 38. (3) 39. (5) 40. (2)
41. (2) 42. (1) 43. (4) 44. (5) 45. (2) 46. (3) 47. (5) 48. (3) 49. (5) 50. (2)
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